Open Enrollment 2025

The Road to a Successful Open Enrollment Period

Open Enrollment is your annual opportunity to review your current benefit elections and make any necessary changes. If you are satisfied with your current benefits and have no new dependents to add, take advantage of the open enrollment period to review your benefit elections and beneficiaries for accuracy, and ensure your contact information is up to date. If no changes are made, all elections except enrollments for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) will carry over to the FY 2025-26 plan year. 

Are You Eligible for Reduced Premiums?

If you plan on covering one or more dependent children on your medical plan, you might be eligible for premium assistance. 

You can apply for the State of Colorado's Medical Insurance Premium Supplement Program from April 8 through May 9, 2025. Learn more on our Supplement Program page.

Log in to Benefitsolver before the period begins

Confirm you have the correct login information and can access the benefits enrollment system before the open enrollment period starts. 

Start gathering supporting documentation now

If you plan to add dependents, verify you have their eligibility documentation (birth certificates, marriage certificates, etc.) readily available for when open enrollment arrives. 

Have a qualifying life event (QLE) coming up? 

If you have a QLE (e.g., marriage, birth or adoption, or loss of medicaid) before the upcoming plan year begins on July 1, make sure to reach out to your benefits administrator so they can guide you through the process and ensure your coverage will be in effect for the current plan year and the next plan year. Qualifying life events can be tricky, especially around open enrollment, so make sure you are prepared.

Attend an open enrollment webinar

Attend one of the four open enrollment webinars for State Employees presented by the DPA-DHR Employee Benefits Unit to learn about updates to your benefits package, what you should do during open enrollment, and more! Find a time that works for your schedule and register using the links below. American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation will be available at all four webinars. Spanish interpretation will be provided for the first webinar and will be recorded.

Reminder: This year is a passive enrollment

If you don't make changes to your benefits, your current benefits elections will roll into the new plan year, except for FSAs which require a new election each year.

Review the FY 2025-26 Employee Benefits Guide

The updated Employee Benefits Guide for FY 2025-26 will be available in late March 2024, and will replace the FY 2024-25 version. Please review the FY 2025-26 guide for updated information around benefits and the cost of coverage for the upcoming plan year before taking action this open enrollment.

Mark your calendars for these important dates

Open Enrollment: April 8 - April 28, 2025

Corrections Period: May 12 - 16, 2025

Documentation Deadline: May 23, 2025

Coverage Period: July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026

First Paycheck with FY 2025-26 Rates and Elections:

  • Biweekly: July 11, 2025
  • Monthly: July 31, 2025

Visit benefitsolver during open enrollment period

Visit benefitsolver.com (our company key is “soc”) to:

  • Review your current elections and cost
  • Confirm your information is up to date including your mailing address, preferred email address, dependents, and life insurance beneficiaries
  • Make your benefits selections

Reminder: Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) don't roll over

FSA enrollment isn’t automatic. You must take action during open enrollment to enroll for the first time or continue your FSA.


Contact your agency's benefits administrator.