Healthcare Pricing Tool (Cigna Members)
Use HealthcareBluebook.com to find the most trusted providers near you, save money on common medical procedures, and get cash back when you select a fair-price facility.
Healthcare Bluebook offers:
- Healthcare Pricing Tool: Reduce your healthcare costs by shopping around your local area
- Research & Compare: Learn the fair price for care in your area and compare providers on cost and quality
- Healthcare Bluebook App: Shop and compare pricing while you’re on the go (download for free with Apple or Android)
Helpful Documents
Visit HealthcareBluebook.com (our access code is SOC) or call 800-341-0504.
Para soporte en español: En su PC, Laptop y/o Tablet: Inicie sesión en Healthcare Bluebook y marque como favorito la página de búsqueda para un acceso rápido healthcarebluebook.com/cc/SOC o llame al 1-800-341-0504.
For questions about your State of Colorado benefits, contact your agency's benefits administrator.