Statewide Training Programs


Training is essential for our continued personal and professional development. Check out our effective and free workshops, certificate programs, virtual learning sessions, and pre- recorded opportunities offered through LDC.

Training Programs

Certificate programs are groups of classes with a common theme. Certificate programs deliver breadth and depth of knowledge through the variety of classes within the program. In addition to statewide certificate programs, the Learning & Development for Colorado can customize programs to meet specific needs and goals within agencies.

Review the full certificate descriptions directly below and register for upcoming cohorts using the accordion dropdown under "FREE Training Registration" on this page. Be sure to register using the Zoom links provided before the start date of each scheduled training. Registration will close when each course reaches capacity.

Emerging Leader Program

The Emerging Leader Program is designed to equip any employee, regardless of formal leadership experience, with foundational skills essential  to lead projects or teams effectively. The program is set up as a cohort model to encourage interagency networking and collaboration. The program content focuses on strategic skills, such as self awareness and being curious, and technical skills, such as project management. This structured approach supports our workforces ability to be participants to develop, improve communication skills, and champion a positive work environment. 

Participants in the program will benefit from a blend of classroom learning, virtual workshops, and on-the-job applications. Core topics include:

  • 4 Essential Roles
  • 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Leading at the Speed of Trust
  • Unofficial Project Manager 
Supervisor Essentials Program

The Supervisor Essentials Certification Program is designed to equip new and experienced supervisors with the essential technical skills to lead teams effectively at the State.

Participants in the program will benefit from a blend of classroom learning, virtual workshops, and on-the-job applications. Core topics include:

  • Being a Leader in the State
  • Hiring & Onboarding
  • Performance Management
  • Retention Engagement & Separation
HR Academy

HR Academy is a statewide HR training initiative through DPA—an effort aimed at improving the effectiveness, efficiency, readiness, and overall experience of HR professionals across the State of Colorado.

HR Academy serves as an HR training hub for HR professionals and HR apprentices for State of Colorado employees. The HR Academy is not intended to replace existing agency HR training but to supplement it by providing foundational State HR education. The HR Academy program seeks to connect current HR training resources already offered through DPA and fill widespread HR training knowledge gaps when training is not already available elsewhere.

Required Training

Required Training

All Executive Branch State employees are required to complete training on topics that promote a safe, ethical, and respectful workplace. 

Each agency may have additional training added to the modules listed below and we encourage you to partner with your HR teams for additional information.

  • Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
  • Preventing Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
  • Ethics and Conflict of Interest
  • Preventing Violence in the Workplace
  • Creating Positive Labor Relations for NON-COVERED Employees  
  • FMLA/FAMLI for Supervisors
  • Skills-Based Hiring

Contact your local HR Representative to enroll in compliance training. If you are having trouble locating the person who assigns compliance training within your agency, contact the Learning & Development for the State of Colorado to ask for help: dpa_ldc@state.co.us.


Contact LDC: dpa_ldc@state.co.us