Performance Management

Executive Branch Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education institutions (Departments) develop and implement individual Performance Management Program (PMP), consistent with the statewide requirements for the state personnel system.
Aspects of the PMP include: Uniform Core Competencies, Statewide Performance Cycle, Planning Meetings, Rating Categories, Annual Evaluation Process and Dispute Resolution.

The State Personnel Director approves each Department’s PMP prior to implementation. 

If you have specific questions regarding performance management, please speak with your supervisor or an HR representative at your agency.

Library of Resources

The Library of Resources provided by the State Personnel Director creates a basic understanding of common performance management practices throughout the state personnel system.
These documents do not substitute for the detailed processes that a Department uses to assist supervisors and employees with performance. 

If you have questions, please speak with your supervisor or an HR representative at your agency.

Performance Management Standardization

With that goal of being an employer of choice in mind, the State moved to a 5-point rating scale starting with the development of individual performance plans on April 1, 2022 for a transition performance cycle ending July 31, 2023. 

State employees deserve the opportunity to learn, develop, and grow to the fullest potential in their careers. That is made possible if supervisors have a process allowing for constructive feedback, fairness, and flexibility in the way employees are evaluated. 

To reward good works we must have consistent processes that can measure them. Standardizing our performance management systems plays an important role in reimagining State government.