How to Request an Alternative Holiday

This guidance exists to educate State of Colorado employees on their ability to request alternate holidays to the 11 paid State of Colorado employee holidays.

With their appointing authority’s approval, State employees can shift their paid holidays to days that are more relevant to their personal observances. For example, an employee does not celebrate Christmas and prefers to take a paid holiday for Diwali, a five-day festival of lights symbolizing the victory of light over darkness.

Rule 5-10(A) allows an employee to request an alternate holiday in place of one of the 11 paid holidays. Rule 5-10(A)(1) speaks directly to Cesar Chavez Day as it is specifically noted in CRS 24-11-112. The requirement that "(t)he department shall be open and at least minimally operational for both days and the employee shall have work to perform" holds true for this alternate holiday only, due to the language in CRS 24-11-112. 

How to Submit Your Request

To request and schedule an alternative holiday, employees should submit a request to their appointing authority. For general questions about alternative holidays, employees and appointing authorities should reach out to their leave administrator or human resources department. You can view the paid holidays on the time off & leave page.


Q: Does the alternative holiday need to be used in the same month?

A: If an employee is looking to swap a given holiday for another holiday there is no requirement to use it within the same month, however, it must be exchanged for a holiday within the same fiscal year (July 1 - June 30).

Q: Is there a limit to how many holidays can be switched?

A:  No, an employee could elect alternate holidays for all 11 scheduled holidays, subject to appointing authority approval.

Q: How much notice is needed?

A: Per the Partnership Agreement, "Such a request shall be made no less than 2 weeks in advance of the holiday they wish to exchange."

Q:  Is there a particular form, or does one simply email their boss/ appointing authority to request? 

A: There is no statewide form or process for requesting an alternative holiday. Each agency has its own process for requesting leave including alternate holidays. Some will have the employee complete a form, others will utilize an email, and others may have the employee input the information into the time and leave system as a request and the appointing authority will approve/deny within that system.


For general questions about alternative holidays, employees and appointing authorities should reach out to their leave administrator or human resources department. HR professionals can email the Statewide Equity Office at dpa_statewideequityoffice@state.co.us with questions.