How to Create Equity-Centered Style Guides

This guidance is designed to encourage State of Colorado equity and communications leaders to create and maintain an equity-centered style guide.

Why is this important?

Words have the power to shape perception and drive positive change! The intentional usage of inclusive language ensures that agencies are effectively connecting with their diverse audiences. Consistency in an agency’s messaging builds trust and credibility. Style guides help ensure both intentionality and consistency in agency communications.

How do I make one?

If an agency has a communications team, they likely already have a style guide. Reach out to them and, if applicable, work together to add an equity section.

Feel free to use any content from the Statewide Equity Office Style Guide.

We highly encourage sharing your style guide with your audience to gather feedback. Keep in mind that language is always changing, so be open to feedback and requests for edits to the style guide in the future to keep it relevant and inclusive.  


Email the Statewide Equity Office at dpa_statewideequityoffice@state.co.us with questions.