Class Description and Minimum Qualifications for H8E - Budget/Policy Analyst

Class Description

Valid as of: July 1, 2015

This class series uses five levels in the Professional Services Occupational Group and describes professional level work in public agency budget and/or policy analysis and development. Positions in this class series apply the principles, theories, and practices of high level governmental administration and budgeting.

Budget analysts are involved in governmental agency and program budget analysis, formulation, presentation, implementation, execution, and monitoring and/or review. Positions in this class series also employ economic and fiscal analysis and practices to assess the impact of proposed legislation on organizational budgets, and/or operations. Budget analysts review budget requests and make recommendations based on analysis of agency mission and structure, management and program priorities and funding, and legislative and regulatory mandates or constraints.

In addition to the above budget analysis, policy analysts also assess and analyze the political, social, economic, and environmental climates and projections to formulate the organization’s future initiatives and directions in concert with agency effectiveness and efficiency standards. Positions monitor the administration of global agency budgets and influence senior managers on strategic budgetary, fiscal, and management planning issues. Positions monitor agency financial and program performance and advise management on recommended budgetary and public policy responses to new programs or legislation, or the need to seek legislative or regulatory change. May also conduct or synthesize research on emerging trends/models and issues affecting broad agency strategic policies.


Concept of Class

This class describes the first working level budget analyst. Duties include program analysis and review in order to formulate budget proposals. Positions assist in defending budget proposals to agency management, the Governor and/or the Office of State Planning and Budget, legislative committees and staffs including the Joint Budget Committee and its staff, and other groups including federal government agencies. Analysts allocate funds, monitor expenditures and make budget adjustments, recommend supplemental requests, and analyze decision items and fiscal notes. Positions may analyze federal and state government legislation and regulations in order to advise agency and program managers and to make budget recommendations. Positions also analyze agency and program goals and priorities, financial and staffing patterns, organizational structure, and management practices in order to recommend budgetary, organizational, and programmatic changes from a fiscal perspective that enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of a state agency.


Allocation must be based on meeting all of the three factors as described below.

Decision Making 

The decisions regularly made are at the defined level, as described here. Within limits prescribed by the operation, choices involve selecting alternatives that affect the manner and speed with which tasks are carried out. These choices do not affect the standards or results of the operation itself because there is typically only one correct way to carry out the operation. These alternatives include independent choice of such things as priority and personal preference for organizing and processing the work, proper tools and equipment, speed, and appropriate steps in the operation to apply. By nature, the data needed to make decisions can be numerous but are clear and understandable so logic is needed to apply the prescribed alternative. Positions can be taught what to do to carry out assignments and any deviation in the manner in which work is performed does not change the end result of the operation.


The nature of, and need for, analysis and judgment is patterned, as described here. Positions study budget, program, organizational, and legislative or regulatory information to determine what it means and how it fits together in order to get practical solutions in the form of budget recommendations for agency management. Guidelines in the form of public administration theory and techniques, budget process and cycle, agency and program policies and regulations, and statutory requirements exist for most situations. Judgment is needed in locating and selecting the most appropriate of these guidelines which may change for varying circumstances as the analytic task is repeated. This selection and interpretation of guidelines involves choosing from alternatives where all are correct but one is better than another depending on the given circumstances of the situation. For example, the analyst chooses from a variety of program budget data that varies depending upon the guidelines provided by the Office of State Planning and Budgeting or agency management.

Line/Staff Authority 

The direct field of influence the work of a position has on the organization is as an individual contributor. The individual contributor may explain work processes and train others. The individual contributor may serve as a resource or guide by advising others on how to use processes within a system or as a member of a collaborative problem-solving team.


Concept of Class

This class describes the fully-operational budget analyst. Analysts in this class have increased decision making latitude and program complexity due to the nature of assigned budgets and programs, the nature of regulations and legislation, the latitude for initial negotiations, and the controversial or critical nature of the assignment to the mission of the agency. Such analysts understand and apply the full spectrum of the budgeting process and adapt it to unique situations. The position will compare budget requests to business plans and identify variances, and handle multiple types of funding streams and limitations therein. Positions interpret appropriations, issue guidance to managers, and determine management’s information needs in the budget arena and prepare necessary reports. This class differs from the Budget Analyst I in the Decision Making factor.


Allocation must be based on meeting all of the three factors as described below.

Decision Making 

The decisions regularly made are at the operational level, as described here. Within limits set by the specific process, choices involve deciding what operation is required to carry out the process. This includes determining how the operation will be completed. For example, within the context of the budgetary process, the analyst determines how to support program managers by identifying the budgetary data to gather in order to build program budgets. By nature, data needed to make decisions are numerous and variable so reasoning is needed to develop the practical course of action within the established process. For example, within the constraints of federal government program regulations, the analyst identifies budget choices for the development of recommended state legislation. Choices are within a range of specified, acceptable standards, alternatives, and technical practices.


The nature of, and need for, analysis and judgment is patterned, as described here. Positions study budget, program, organizational, and legislative or regulatory information to determine what it means and how it fits together in order to get practical solutions in the form of budget recommendations for agency management. Guidelines in the form of public administration theory and techniques, budget process and cycle, agency and program policies and regulations, and statutory requirements exist for most situations. Judgment is needed in locating and selecting the most appropriate of these guidelines which may change for varying circumstances as the analytic task is repeated. This selection and interpretation of guidelines involves choosing from alternatives where all are correct but one is better than another depending on the given circumstances of the situation. For example, the analyst chooses from a variety of program budget data that varies depending upon the guidelines provided by the Office of State Planning and Budget or agency management.

Line/Staff Authority 

The direct field of influence the work of a position has on the organization is as an individual contributor. The individual contributor may explain work processes and train others. The individual contributor may serve as a resource or guide by advising others on how to use processes within a system or as a member of a collaborative problem-solving team.


Concept of Class

This is the fully-operational policy analyst level. In addition to the duties outlined in previous class concepts, analyzes budget and policy needs/resources in concert with long term business plans and measures, and recommends policy adjustments. Positions may develop and evaluate new budget models and test hypotheses to recommend adoption agency-wide. Policy analyst positions issue guidance on annualization and rate-setting processes. Positions also analyze policies and budgets with effectiveness and efficiency measures and track performance according to agency goals and objectives. Most positions establish and maintain long range budget and policy plans. This class differs from the Budget Analyst II class in the policy analysis type duties and in the Decision Making and Complexity factors.


Allocation must be based on meeting all of the three factors as described below.

Decision Making 

The decisions regularly made are at the process level, as described here. Within limits set by professional standards, the agency's available technology and resources, and agency program objectives and regulations established by a higher management level, choices involve determining the process, including designing the set of operations. The general pattern, program, or system exists but must be individualized. For example, within the agency's general administrative program, analysts determine the process for building division and agency budgets in concert with policy changes. This individualization requires analysis of fiscal and program data that is complicated. Analysis is breaking the problem or case into parts, examining these parts, and reaching conclusions that result in processes. This examination requires the application of known and established economic and public administration theory, principles, conceptual models, professional standards, and precedents in order to determine their relationship to the problem. For example, positions in this class use analytic techniques to identify policy issues and recommend changes to resolve issues in conformance with the agency mission and objectives. New processes or objectives require approval of higher management or the agency with authority and accountability for the program or system.


The nature of, and need for, analysis and judgment is formulative, as described here. Positions evaluate the relevance and importance of public administration theories, concepts, and principles in order to tailor them to develop a different approach or tactical plan to fit specific fiscal, program, or organizational circumstances. While general policy, precedent, or non-specific practices exist, they are inadequate so they are relevant only through approximation or analogy. For example, analysts adapt budgetary guidelines and program standards to fit the needs of specific program components based on regulatory change. In conjunction with theories, concepts, and principles, positions use judgment and resourcefulness in tailoring the existing guidelines so they can be applied to particular circumstances and to deal with emergencies. For example, positions use resourcefulness in adapting existing policy guidelines to meet changing agency program requirements or goals.

Line/Staff Authority 

The direct field of influence the work of a position has on the organization is as an individual contributor or a work leader. The individual contributor may explain work processes and train others. The individual contributor may serve as a resource or guide by advising others on how to use processes within a system or as a member of a collaborative problem-solving team.


The work leader is partially accountable for the work product of two or more full-time equivalent positions, including timeliness, correctness, and soundness. At least one of the subordinate positions must be in the same series or at a comparable conceptual level. Typical elements of direct control over other positions by a work leader include assigning tasks, monitoring progress and work flow, checking the product, scheduling work, and establishing work standards. The work leader provides input into supervisory decisions made at higher levels, including signing leave requests and approving work hours. This level may include positions performing supervisory elements that do not fully meet the criteria for the next level in this factor.


Concept of Class

This class describes the first level supervisor of a budget unit or budgetary and policy analysis authority within the agency boundaries. In addition to duties described in lower classes, analysts in this class have responsibility for negotiating resolution of policy issues, speaking in defense of agency positions before legislative staffs or committees or to federal agencies, and frequently have full supervisory responsibility. Analysts in this class may direct the budget process for a division or an agency. The Budget Analyst IV differs from the Budget Analyst III on the Complexity, Purpose of Contact, and Line/Staff Authority factors.


Allocation must be based on meeting all of the three factors as described below.

Decision Making 

The decisions regularly made are at the process level, as described here. Within limits set by professional standards, the agency's available technology and resources, and agency program objectives and regulations established by a higher management level, choices involve determining the process, including designing the set of operations. The general pattern, program, or system exists but must be individualized. For example, within the agency's general administrative program, analysts determine the process for building division and agency budgets and policies. This individualization requires analysis of fiscal and program data that is complicated. Analysis is breaking the problem or case into parts, examining these parts, and reaching conclusions that result in processes. This examination requires the application of known and established economic and public administration theory, principles, conceptual models, professional standards, and precedents in order to determine their relationship to the problem. For example, positions in this class use analytic techniques to identify policy issues and recommend programmatic changes to resolve issues in conformance with the agency goals and objectives. New processes or objectives require approval of higher management or the agency with authority and accountability for the program or system.


The nature of, and need for, analysis and judgment is strategic, as described here. Positions develop guidelines to implement a program that maintains the agency's mission. Guidelines do not exist for most situations. In directive situations, positions use judgment and resourcefulness to interpret circumstances in a variety of situations and establish guidelines that direct how an agency program will be implemented. For example, a position will develop agency guidelines for achieving compliance with the overall state budget process set forth by the Office of State Planning and Budget and the Joint Budget Committee.

Line/Staff Authority 

The direct field of influence the work of a position has on the organization is as a unit supervisor or staff authority. The unit supervisor is accountable, including signature authority, for actions and decisions that directly impact the pay, status, and tenure of three or more full-time equivalent positions. At least one of the positions supervised must be in this class series or at the same conceptual level. The elements of formal supervision must include providing documentation to support recommended corrective and disciplinary actions, signing performance plans and appraisals, and resolving informal grievances. Positions start the hiring process, interview applicants, and recommend hire, promotion, or transfer.


The staff authority is a pacesetter who has a rare level of technical expertise in the policy analysis field or profession that, as part of the assignment, is critical to the success of an agency. This authority directly influences management decisions at least on an agency-wide basis. Managers and peers recognize and seek this level of technical guidance and direction for development of an agency-wide policy analysis system or regarding the application of a statewide or equivalent system within the agency or to its clients. For example, a position that guides the development and implementation of performance accountability measures across diverse program/policy areas reflects this level of influence.


Concept of Class

This class describes the budget manager or director level. Positions in this level direct and manage the budget program for a major department or agency. Positions develop and implement new budgeting strategies and policy setting models. This class differs from the Budget & Policy Analyst IV class in the Decision Making factor. It may differ in the Line/Staff Authority factor also.


Allocation must be based on meeting all of the three factors as described below.

Decision Making 

The decisions regularly made are at the interpretative level, as described here. Within limits of the strategic master plan and allocated human and fiscal resources, choices involve determining tactical plans to achieve the objectives established by the higher management (programmatic) level. This involves establishing what processes will be done, developing the budget, and developing the staffing patterns and work units in order to deploy staff. For example, positions at this level establish the budget and policy analysis program for the agency. This level includes inventing and changing systems and guidelines that will be applied by others statewide. By nature, this is the first level where positions are not bound by processes and operations in their own programs as a framework for decision making and there are novel or unique situations that cause uncertainties that must be addressed at this level. Through deliberate analysis and experience with these unique situations, the manager or expert determines the systems, guidelines, and programs for the future. As an example, positions decide how policy analysis will be done, their frequency, and the resolution of findings.


The nature of, and need for, analysis and judgment is strategic, as described here. Positions develop guidelines to implement a program that maintains the agency's mission. Guidelines do not exist for most situations. In directive situations, positions use judgment and resourcefulness to interpret circumstances in a variety of situations and establish guidelines that direct how a departmental/agency program will be implemented. For example, positions establish the agency's five-year budget or operating plan.

Line/Staff Authority 

The direct field of influence the work of a position has on the organization is as a unit supervisor or manager. The unit supervisor is accountable, including signature authority, for actions and decisions that directly impact the pay, status, and tenure of three or more full-time equivalent positions. Positions supervised must be in this class series or at the same conceptual level. The elements of formal supervision must include providing documentation to support recommended corrective and disciplinary actions, signing performance plans and appraisals, and resolving informal grievances. Positions start the hiring process, interview applicants, and recommend hire, promotion, or transfer.


The manager must be accountable for multiple units through the direct supervision of at least two subordinate Unit Supervisors; and, have signature authority for actions and decisions that directly impact pay, status, and tenure. Elements of formal supervision must include providing documentation to support recommended corrective and disciplinary actions, second-level signature on performance plans and appraisals, and resolving informal grievances. Positions start the hiring process, interview applicants, and recommend hire, promotion, or transfer.

Entrance Requirements

Minimum entry requirements and general competencies for classes in this series are contained in the class minimum qualifications document.

For purposes of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA), the essential functions of specific positions are identified in the position description questionnaires and job analyses.

History of Changes Made to Class Description

The​ ​following​ ​is​ ​a​ ​summary​ ​of​ ​changes​ ​made​ ​to​ ​this​ ​class description.

June 30, 2015

Updated and removed the purpose of contact.

Effective July 1, 2009

Abolished Financial Services occupational group and converted classes into Professional Services. Proposed published 6/30/2008 and final 7/31/2008.

Revised July 1, 2000

Deleted specialty areas and re-emphasized policy analysis duties in upper levels. Published as proposed 4/17/2000.

Effective September 1, 1993

Job Evaluation System Revision project. Published as proposed 6/1/1993.

Revised February 1, 1978

Changed minimum qualifications and options. Changed title of A1113X - Senior Policy/Budget Analyst, A1114X - Principle Policy/Budget Analyst, and A1115X - Supervising Policy/Budget Analyst.

January 1, 1975


Summary of Factor Ratings

Class LevelDecision MakingComplexityLine/Staff Authority
Budget Analyst IDefinedPatternedIndividual Contributor
Budget Analyst IIOperationalPatternedIndividual Contributor
Budget & Policy Analyst IIIProcessFormulativeIndividual Contributor or Work Leader
Budget & Policy Analyst IVProcessStrategicStaff Authority or Unit Supervisor
Budget & Policy Analyst VInterpretiveStrategicUnit Supervisor or Manager

Minimum Qualifications

Valid as of: February 12, 2024

This​ ​document​ ​includes​ ​the​ ​following​ ​levels:

Class TitleClass Code
Budget Analyst IH8E1XX
Budget Analyst IIH8E2XX
Budget & Policy Analyst IIIH8E3XX
Budget & Policy Analyst IVH8E4XX
Budget & Policy Analyst VH8E5XX


Experience Only:

  • Four (4) years of relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned to this position


Education and Experience:

  • A combination of related education and/or relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned equal to four (4) years.


Experience Only:

  • Six (6) years of relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned to this position


Education and Experience:

  • A combination of related education and/or relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned equal to six (6) years
  • Current, valid licensure as a CPA by the Colorado Board of Accountancy will substitute for the degree requirement and two (2) years of the required experience.


Experience Only:

  • Seven (7) years of relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned to this position


Education and Experience:

  • A combination of related education and/or relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned equal to seven (7) years
  • Current, valid licensure as a CPA by the Colorado Board of Accountancy will substitute for the degree requirement and two (2) years of the required experience.


Experience Only:

  • Eight (8) years of relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned to this position


Education and Experience:

  • A combination of related education and/or relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned equal to eight (8) years
  • Current, valid licensure as a CPA by the Colorado Board of Accountancy will substitute for the degree requirement and two (2) years of the required experience.


Experience Only:

  • Nine (9) years of relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned to this position


Education and Experience:

  • A combination of related education and/or relevant experience in an occupation related to the work assigned equal to nine (9) years
  • Current, valid licensure as a CPA by the Colorado Board of Accountancy will substitute for the degree requirement and two (2) years of the required experience.

History of Changes Made to Minimum Qualification

The​ ​following​ ​is​ ​a​ ​summary​ ​of​ ​changes​ ​made​ ​to​ ​this​ ​minimum​ ​qualification.

Feb. 12, 2024 (Whole Document)
  • New format (updating to adhere to accessibility standards)
  • Updated minimum qualifications to align with the Skills-based Hiring initiative
Oct. 30, 2017 (H8E2XX, H8E3XX, H8E4XX, H8E5XX)

Made grammatical changes.

Sep. 1, 2017 (H8D4XX, H8D5XX)

Removed ‘additional higher level and/or special experience’ language. Special qualifications can appear as a Special Qualification in the job posting, if justified in the position description and job analysis.

Sep. 1, 2017 (H8E2XX, H8E3XX, H8E4XX, H8E5XX)
  • Made language consistent with a year-for-year approach to substitutions for both education and experience
  • Removed language referring to, “some positions may require”
  • Changed CPA substitution based on requirements from DORA. CPA will substitute for bachelor’s degree and two years of professional accounting experience
Sep. 1, 2017 (Whole Document)
  • Part of the 2017 MQ Project
  • New format
  • Standardized language regarding education and experience requirements
  • Language referring to “at the agency’s discretion” was removed
  • Language referring to ‘demonstrated proficiency on position competencies’ was removed from the substitutions